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03:31 GMT         Day 62 of 90, Season 70    

Visions and Dreams

Written by YellowFellows at 08:36 30/8-2013

  18th of July an idea materialized and became the cycling team, YellowFellows. It all began as an almost childish dream, of founding the first professional South Korean cycling team. Its true, there has been makings of Korean teams in the past, but none of them have really taken it to the next level and established themselves as a proper professional team.
  We started out with 15 Korean riders and managed to win 2 of our 3 first races as YellowFellows. This rapidly promoted us to 8th Division.
  Although we started with a pure Korean squad, we quickly realized that talent was limited and that we required to bring in some foreign blood to achieve our goal of becoming a solid and established cycling team.
  So even though we ultimately desire a Korean team with Korean riders we've come to a compromise with ourselves that it might just be better for Korean cycling to have a good Korean team with foreign riders, rather than a bad one with Korean riders.
  We do however hope that this will result in better recruitment and that we some day might just be able to accomplish the ultimate dream of having a 1st class All-Korean cycling team.
  To summarize we can say that our short-term goal is to get together a good team that can produce respectable results. And the long-term goal will be to do exactly that with only Korean riders.


Subscribers: 7

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Visions and Dreams

  18th of July an idea materialized and became the cycling team, YellowFellows. It all began as an almost childish dream, of founding the first professional South...



Joss at 21:22 31/8-2013
  Håper det ordner seg for ham! Også håper jeg du får plass til nordmenn på laget ditt i tillegg til koreanere.. Det norske landslaget trenger alltid nytt blod ;)

YellowFellows at 11:23 31/8-2013
  Takk! Han har ikke søkt enda. Men jeg forklarte situasjonen til Einar. Så forhåpentligvis vil det ordne seg til slutt.

Joss at 09:32 31/8-2013
  Grattis med Wildcard! Ordnet det seg slik at broren din også kan få sitt eget wildcard?

don hamstre team at 11:10 30/8-2013

YellowFellows at 11:06 30/8-2013
  No. As they would most likely be executed for not performing, it would be too unstable for us, losing a rider every now and then.

don hamstre team at 11:04 30/8-2013
  Are North-Koreans also allowed?

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